Chapter 303 Section 303.025 in reference to Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law: No owner of a motor vehicle registered in this state, or required to be registered in this state, shall operate, register or maintain registration of a motor vehicle, or permit another person to operate such vehicle, unless the owner maintains the financial responsibility, which conforms to the requirements of the laws of this state. Furthermore, no person shall operate a motor vehicle owned by another with the knowledge that the owner has not maintained financial responsibility unless such person has financial responsibility which covers the person’s operation of the other’s vehicle; however, no owner shall be in a violation of this subsection if he or she fails to maintain financial responsibility on a motor vehicle which is inoperable or being stored and not in operation.
These 2 laws are very important to remember. The bottom line is that if you allow someone to drive your vehicle and that person doesn’t have a drivers’ license, then you can be issued a ticket for allowing an unlicensed person to drive as well as that person getting a ticket. The same thing holds true that if you allow someone to drive your vehicle and you don’t have insurance on the vehicle, you can be ticketed and possibly have your drivers’ license suspended for failing to show financial responsibility. This especially comes into play if you are involved in an accident. By the same token, if the person has knowledge that you don’t have insurance, they shouldn’t drive unless they have their own financial responsibility coverage to operate any vehicle.