Prohibited uses of license.
302.220. It shall be unlawful for any person to display or to permit to be displayed, or to have in his possession, any license knowing the same to be fictitious or to have been canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified or altered; to lend to or knowingly permit the use of by another any license issued to the person so lending or permitting the use thereof; to display or to represent as one’s own any license not issued to the person so displaying the same, or fail or refuse to surrender to the clerk of any division of the circuit court or the director, any license which has been suspended, canceled, disqualified or revoked, as provided by law; to use a false or fictitious name or give a false or fictitious address on any application for a license, or any renewal or duplicate thereof, or knowingly to make a false statement, or knowingly to conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application; to authorize or consent to any motor vehicle owned by him or under his control to be driven by any person, when he has knowledge that such person has no legal right to do so, or for any person to drive any motor vehicle in violation of any of the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.780; to employ a person to operate a motor vehicle in the transportation of persons or property, with knowledge that such person has not complied with the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.780, or whose license has been revoked, suspended, canceled or disqualified; or who fails to produce his or her license upon demand of any person or persons authorized to make such demand.
(RSMo 1939 8455, A.L. 1951 p. 678, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1989 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 3)Effective 7-27-89